Francesco L. De Faveri


I'm Francesco Luigi De Faveri

Computer Scientist

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Francesco L. De Faveri

Computer Scientist

Hello! I'm Francesco, a dedicated Computer Scientist and a passionate researcher in the field of Information Engineering. Currently immersed in the academic environment of the University of Padua, Italy, I am pursuing my PhD with a focus on the fascinating intersections of Differential Privacy, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Cybersecurity.

My journey in Computer Science is driven by an insatiable curiosity and a deep-seated desire to unravel complex data puzzles. What excites me the most is the opportunity to contribute to advancements in technology that respect and protect individual privacy while harnessing the power of data for the greater good.

In my research, I strive not just to delve into the theoretical underpinnings of these domains, but also to apply my findings in practical, real-world scenarios. This could never be achieved without collaboration and teamwork, the heart of my approach. I firmly believe that the best solutions emerge from the synthesis of diverse perspectives and expertise. Whether I'm working in a lab, presenting at a conference, or brainstorming in a team meeting, I'm always eager to share ideas, learn from others, and contribute to collective goals.

As I continue my academic journey, I remain open to new experiences, eager to embrace fresh challenges, and enthusiastic about making meaningful contributions to the field of Computer Science.

  • From: Farra di Soligo, Veneto, Italy
  • Lives In: Conegliano, Veneto, Italy
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
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My Skills

Coding skills


Trasversal skills

Continuous Learning
Critical Thinking
Attention to Details
Adaptability and Flexibility
Project Management


  • 2023
    Master Degree in Cybersecurity
    University of Padua, Padua, Italy

    Thesis title:
    A Feasibility Study and Privacy Analysis of a Data Management Infrastructure in the Oncology Research Domain.

  • 2021
    Bachelor Degree in Mathematics
    University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy

    Thesis title:
    A Possibilistic Approach to Fuzzy Arithmetic.

  • 2018
    High school leaving qualification in scientific orientation
    ISISS Marco Casagrande, Pieve di Soligo, Italy

    High School studies in scientific orientation.



  • 2023 - Current
    PhD Student & IT Advisor
    CRO Aviano, Italy

    For my Master's thesis, I undertook an internship at the CRO oncological research center in Aviano, Italy. My focus was on exploring the challenges of Differential Privacy within the e-health data domain. This included developing a clinical data repository for the hospital, where I considered various aspects of its development and the associated legal implications. After the internship, during my PhD studies, I took on the role of an IT advisor, contributing to the development of the IT platform for research purposes.

  • 2022 - 2022
    Teaching tutor
    University of Padua

    During my time at the University of Padua, I won the scholarship to work as a tutor for the courses in Biometrics and Stochastic Processes. In the Biometrics course, I created two Python notebooks: one focused on face recognition and the other on gait analysis. As for the Stochastic Processes course, my role involved guiding students through exercises related to Markov Chains, Poisson Processes, and Renewal Processes.

  • 2017 - 2018
    Social Media Manager
    Cooperativa Sociale Itaca - Pieve di Soligo

    As the Social Media Manager for the regional project "Young Destination - Fotogrammi Veneti", implemented by the ITACA cooperative, my role focused on promoting and enhancing the visibility of several municipalities in the province of Treviso, Veneto, that were part of this initiative.

  • 2016 - 2017
    Account Assistant
    Cantina Sociale Colli del Soligo

    I participated in a work-study internship program during my third and fourth years of high school, totaling 200 hours. This program was a part of the school-work alternation initiative, offering practical experience alongside academic studies over two years.



For the Information Security course, I developed "DREX: Denial of service, Reconnaissance, and Exploits eXecutable," a project focusing on network security and attack countermeasures. In three phases, it involved setting up a network of virtual machines, scripting attacks in DREX, and configuring Palo-Alto Firewall and SPLUNK SIEM/Machine Learning Toolkit. Python, with libraries like Scapy and Requests, was used for implementing the attacks.

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RHO Research Database

I undertook a project simulating the real-world challenges and solutions for a Research Hospital in Oncology, the RHO Research Institute. The project focused on creating a database to efficiently manage a variety of data, including patient demographics, clinical records, results from scientific experiments, and logistical details of the research pipeline. The project was divided into a Requirements Analysis, a Conceptual and Logical Design, and the Physical Design of the database.

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Cyber Challenge 2023

During my studies at the University of Padova, I participated in the Cyber Challenge 2023, a contest focused on solving various cybersecurity challenges. As a member of the University of Padua's team, I found the experience both enjoyable and enriching.

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AI-Based Face Recognition

In my Master's project, I developed an AI-based face recognition system using Python. It featured a simple TensorFlow CNN, live detection via notebook camera, and enhanced classification with AlexNet through transfer learning. This project demonstrated a practical fusion of deep learning and real-world application.

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Pandemic Spread Model

In my Bachelor's project, I developed a simulation of virus spread in a population using the SIRD (Susceptible, Infected, Recovered, Dead) mathematical model. Implemented in Matlab, it solved differential equations via the Runge-Kutta method, modeling pandemic dynamics effectively.

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To Be Announced projects...

Academic papers

See my work

Twitter Bots Influence on the Russo-Ukrainian War During the 2022 Italian General Elections

Social Network Analysis, Bots Detection, NLP

A Feasibility Study and Privacy Analysis of a Data Management Infrastructure in the Oncology Research Domain.

Information Security, Differential Privacy

A Possibilistic Approach to Fuzzy Arithmetic.

Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science


Get in Touch

Don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm always open to new projects, creative ideas, and opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals. Whether you're a student, a researcher, or a professional, I'd love to hear from you.